About Us


Great Achievers Initiative for Youth and Community Development.(GAIYD)

Over the years the male child has often been expected to fulfil a protective role, ensuring the safety and security of their families and communities. It is essential to acknowledge that traditional gender norms and expectations have limited the roles and opportunities available to the male children. To this note, the Great Achievers Initiative for Youth and Community Development has come to a conclusion that the male child deserves to be heard, taught and carried along in the society so as to enable them have a proper upbringing, sense of good morals, and the ability to grow the society. We are focusing on male child education- mainly the non-formal and informal education. We have keenly observed that the menace in the society cannot be disassociated from poor upbringing of the male child.

Our Focus

The attention given to the moral upbringing of the male child in the past few years has been somewhat low as compared to that which is given to the female child. Despite the fact that the effort on girl child education has helped the world, it seems not to have attained the desired goal because there are a lot of untrained and untamed men out there.

To create a better society by investing in human development through male child development.



To be one of the foremost  contributors in human and community development globally